Frank early days Gallery and Story (Pre WWI)

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Francis Michael Brassil was born on 30th December 1890. He was the fourth child of Patrick and Bridget Brassil, both of whom had emigrated from Ireland, and (apparently) met in Sydney.

Frank attended school at Patrician Brothers Redfern, and won a Scholarship to Holy Cross College Ryde where he completed his schooling. Although he matriculated to Sydney University he does not appear to have attended uni. Instead he sat the public service entrance exams for both the Commonwealth and State Public Service. Although he did very well indeed in the C’wealth Exam, he instead joined the NSW public service.

(one of has grandchildren also sat both exams some 70 years later, did well in both, joined the C’wealth but resigned and joined the State some 4 weeks later. His reason was because the entrance pay was better – I wonder if it was the same for Frank?)